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Description & References

Let's get some details for your song.

Basic info:

Artist Profile Photo

Written Description:

Video Description (optional):

This can be as simple as shooting a video on your phone or computer explaining what you want and hear for the production of your song. Projects that add a video description may get more attention from producers. If you want to add a video, please record the video and then email the video file to us at so we can add it to your project page.
Do you plan on sending u a video description?

Musical references:

Provide links to musical references (songs you can hear your song sounding like) and explain which elements of each song you would like to potentially emulate in your song (drums, effects, guitars, emotions, etc). Provide minimum of one, maximum of 4 references below.
This section is not required, but recommended. All URL's are accepted including Youtube, Soundcloud, Vimeo, Spotify, etc. Must be in https:// format.

I agree to the Terms Of Service

Congrats! Your project request has been received. Our Team will be in touch ASAP with your next steps.

Whoops! you are missing some required information.

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